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Sustainability Policy World Forum The Hague
World Forum is very active in the field of sustainability. We have several certificates and we are member of the UN Global Compact and MVO Nederland. Our sustainability policy is divided into five programs: Think Green, Think People, Think Local, Think Ethic and Think Safe. Within these programs annual goals are set and various initiatives are developed.
Certifications and memberships
World Forum The Hague has been active in the field of sustainability for many years. World Forum is ISO 20121 certified and holds the Golden Green Key.
ISO 20121
ISO 20121 was developed for the event industry and aims to prioritise sustainability when organizing events. ISO 20121 offers guidance and best practice to control the events social, economic and environmental impact.
Golden Green Key
Green Key is the international quality mark for sustainable companies in the recreation, leisure and business market. Companies with a Green Key quality mark do everything they can to save the environment without sacrificing comfort an quality to their guests. They go a step further than required by normal legislation and regulations. The Green Key standard is inked to the Sustainable Development Goals 2015-2030 of the United Nations.
Healthy Venues
Since January 2023,we are Healthy Venue, being the first in the Netherlands to have obtained the accreditation, and the 9th of the world. Healthy Venues is a quality mark accredited by the World Obesity Federation.
The accreditation encourages venues to provide healthy options to visitors and employees, and thus to minimize the negative health impacts of event-going. We are committed to providing delegates and event organizers with healthy eating and promoting physical activity. Read more.
UN Global Compact
The United Nations Global Compact is a non-binding United Nations pact to encourage companies and firms worldwide to pursue sustainable and socially responsible policies and to report on their implementation. As an organisation, the World Forum is a member of the UN Global Compact. With this, we are implementing 10 principles, as founded by the United Nations, in everyday business operations. Ten principles related to the pillars of human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.
MVO Nederland
MVO Nederland is the movement the entrepreneurs in the new economy. It is a network of partners that innovate and implement together to achieve the new economy. A future proof one, because only in that economy can entrepreneurs continue to do business. That is why achieving this is the goal of MVO Nederland. The new economy is climate neutral, circular, inclusive and with fair chains.
With MVO Nederland entrepreneurs take a share in the new economy and thus make their company future proof. MVO Nederland supports them by enabling innovation through unexpected collaborations. And by promoting the interests of governments and financials to create the right conditions in the Netherlands and Europe. World Forum is a member of the MVO Nederland network.

Every year we publish our sustainability report: ‘Think green, think people, think local, think Ethic and think Safe.’